Recycled Asphalt
Metro Materials is a leading recycler of asphalt throughout the Atlanta region. Asphalt is 100% recyclable and is the most recycled material in the United States. Our plants crush and screen asphalt that is removed from roads and parking lots and recycle it for use in new asphalt mix or repurpose asphalt millings for base and gravel applications for cars to drive or park on. When asphalt is removed either in sections or through the milling process from an existing roadway or parking lot, it is brought to one of our asphalt plants to make Recycled Asphalt Product, also known as RAP. Recycled asphalt retains similar qualities to new asphalt and is environmentally friendly. As we like to say, “Recycled asphalt keeps quarries from getting deeper and landfills from getting bigger.”
Benefits of Recycled Asphalt
The stone used to make asphaltic concrete has proven its durability over time – it has existed long before being used to make asphalt. Asphalt stone remains strong whether it is going in new asphalt or being recycled. Recycled asphalt stone also has the benefit of being pre-coated with asphalt cement, so it is primed and ready to be used in new asphalt mixtures or to be used as a high-quality base or gravel that will compact and hold together better than uncoated stone material.
Cost Effective
New asphalt made with recycled asphalt costs less per square yard than new asphalt that doesn’t include recycled material. In addition, asphalt millings are a cost efficient alternative to new base stone or gravel. Millings will compact better than base or gravel because they still contain residual amounts of asphalt cement which serves as a binding agent. In some instances, compacted millings will have the appearance of a paved surface over time.
Environmentally Friendly
Asphalt can be recycled over and over again. Recycling used asphalt is eco-friendly as it reduces the amount of new oil needed during the production process and minimizes greenhouse gases. In addition, using recycled asphalt preserves natural resources like stone and sand that are not renewable.