Asphalt Materials
A Wide Range of Asphalt Products to Meet Your Needs
With four plants throughout the Atlanta region, Metro Materials offers a wide variety asphalt products for a range of paving and road-laying applications. All of our plants are approved by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and are on the GDOT Qualified Products List (QPL 45). We produce Superpave asphalt mixes that are most commonly used in Georgia.
The millimeter (MM) size indicates how coarse or heavy duty a mix type is. The larger the number, the more coarse (rocky); the lower the number, the more fine (sandy) a mix type is. The three categories that a mix type typically falls into are:
– Surface Mix (topping)
– Intermediate
– Binder/Base (subsurface mixes that will eventually be covered with a surface asphalt)
Topping or Surface Asphalt Mix
9.5MM SP Type II
9.5MM SP Type II – The most-often specified mix for parking lot applications and neighborhood roads. 9.5MM TYPE II is smooth, durable and workable. 9.5MM SP Type II is typically placed at a thickness of around 1.25” to 2” compacted on top of 19MM SP Binder or is used in conjunction with milling for resurfacing of roads and parking lots.
9.5MM SP Type I
9.5MM SP Type I – A finer (less coarse) and smoother version of 9.5MM SP Type II that can be placed at a thickness of around 1” compacted and is used on parking lots and roads that usually only have light vehicle traffic. A surface paved with 9.5MM Type I is a dream for sports car enthusiasts and bicyclists.
12.5MM SP – A versatile surface asphalt that can be used as a surface, intermediate or binder (subsurface mix). The mix is designed with a blend of coarse and fine aggregate that is suitable for main roadways that have high traffic volumes or industrial facilities that receive heavy truck and vehicle traffic. 12.5MM SP is usually placed at 1.5” or 2” compacted.
4.75MM SP
4.75MM SP – The finest surface asphalt in terms of aggregate size comprised mostly of sand. This asphalt mixture is typically used in very light applications like light duty road or parking lot overlays less than 1” and usually for running tracks and tennis courts. It can also be used for thin leveling on projects to achieve slight grade changes as well.
Intermediate Asphalt Mix
Flex Mix / 06I
Flex Mix or Open Grade Interlayer (OGI) – A coarse mix that has a high asphalt cement-to-stone relationship allowing for a strong yet flexible intermediate asphalt to be placed on aged or moderately cracked asphalt. This mixture helps to reduce the cracks from reflecting or reappearing in the surface asphalt. The coarse design of the aggregate limits the path for an existing crack to follow and can help dissipate the crack beneath the surface so it is not as likely to reappear in the surface asphalt prematurely. Flex or OGI asphalt should be covered with a topping or surface mix after it cools so that it does not remain exposed to traffic.
Binder or Subsurface Asphalt Mix
19MM SP – This is the most-often specified binder or subsurface mix used in parking lot and neighborhood roads as a heavy-duty layer of asphalt to be placed directly on compacted stone base or soil cement base. The 19MM SP serves as a foundation along with the soil cement or stone base for a smooth surface mix asphalt. 19MM SP is also often used for patching that is to be covered by a surface asphalt. 19MM SP should not be left exposed to traffic or weather for long periods and should be covered as soon as practical or as other construction allows.
25MM SP – A thick, heavy-duty and coarse asphalt that is typically placed at 3 to 5” and is used for GDOT highway or interstate applications, commercial airports and heavy industrial lots and roadways that receive continuous heavy or tractor trailer loads. Like other base or subsurface mixes, 25MM SP should not be left uncovered for long periods of time as the larger stones may become dislodged under traffic. In addition, water infiltration can occur in wet weather and can lead to premature failure.